revolutionizing education

Revolutionizing Education + Job Creation = A Brighter Future for Zimbabwe

“We’re really not interested in the status quo of education. We are about revolutionizing education. It’s a big aspiration and something that needs to take place across the world and is taking place. We just want to be the ones to bring it to those places that are often forgotten.” – Jeremy Newhouse, Chief of Financial Strategy & Africa Projects for MATTER

After years of strategizing with donors, collaborating with partners and working with schools across Zimbabwe, MATTER’s educational initiatives in the country are flourishing. So much so, that plans are underway to expand the MATTER Career Readiness Institute (MCRI) in Victoria Falls, a mere two years after the program first launched. This Phase Two of the project will add additional call rooms, classrooms, meeting spaces, offices, and a kitchen area.

This is an exciting next step in helping to improve communities in Zimbabwe. The revolutionary methodology, combined with its focus on computer technology and emphasis on job creation, has the power to change the economic landscape in Zimbabwe by preparing its young people for remote employment within the country.

Architectural rendering of the MCRI expansion in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Beginning in the MATTER Innovation Hub (MIH), primary and secondary students are introduced to a unique student-centered learning that emphasizes creative problem solving, collaboration and leadership. It encourages students to think outside the box to overcome challenges and empowers them to realize their potential to create better futures for themselves and the communities in which they live.

Currently, there are seven active Hubs in Zimbabwe serving 2600 students, with more Hubs opening next year. 

Students in the MCRI courtyard gather for an impromptu discussion.

Once students graduate from MIH, they have the opportunity to apply for enrollment in the MCRI. Offering international certification in coding and other essential computing skills, the MCRI guarantees its students remote paid internships with U.S. companies upon completion of its year long course. Three interns have already turned their internships into full-time remote employment.

“We’re very focused on training these kids for careers so we want to expose them to everything from customer support positions to software developers, to technologists, to data base engineering,” Jeremy explained. “But these students must be stellar in their fields, so we also train them in other areas like Zoom interviews, how to work in teams, how to take on projects, how to be leaders, etc. So called ‘soft skills’ they’ve been learning from their first day in an Innovation Hub, they are now perfecting for their future jobs.”

The MCRI has ten students currently enrolled with 13 graduates working as remote paid interns and three graduates working remote, full-time jobs for U.S. companies.

“So far, these young interns and employees are exceeding everyone’s expectations,” boasted Jeremy. “The feedback we’ve gotten from the companies is that the kids are amazing. They’re prepared unlike any other interns they’ve taken on. That’s saying something because these kids are competing against college level interns. A lot of these students are 19, 20 years old and they’re already well prepared for the work force.”

This unique pathway to career training for remote job opportunities with tech companies in the U.S. is unprecedented in Zimbabwe. And the students who are benefitting from this amazing program know how fortunate they are. As one student said, “Being here has just been a dream. I’m here to learn, to grow, to make friends, to blossom into this wonderful butterfly!”

Watching the metamorphosis of these young people into confident and hope-filled adults is a joy to watch. As they work to create better futures for themselves and their communities, they are leading the way to a brighter future for Zimbabwe. Fly, students, fly!

Watch this video to learn more about the MCRI in Victoria Falls!