Planting Seeds to Grow Health in Zimbabwe

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”  – Hippocrates MATTER has begun an exciting, multi-faceted project in the small, rural town of Lukosi in western Zimbabwe. The Lukosi Maternity Hospital serves a population of nearly 10,000 people and facilitates about 50 births per month. But with only 26 beds and sparse, outdated equipment, it struggles to meet the very

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MATTERbox Goes National to Increase Access to Healthy Eating

DIY is all the rage these days. Whether it’s furniture, home repairs, gifts or decor, everyone wants to Do-It-Yourself. Now, MATTER has incorporated this concept in our latest initiative. Announcing the DIY MATTERbox. This novel approach to our successful MATTERbox program will activate healthy eating in communities far beyond MATTER’s immediate reach; and indeed, all

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World-Class Athletes Who are Changing the World with MATTER

Professional athletes are known for their exceptional skill, rigorous training and raw talent. That’s what sets them apart from everyone else. And within the professional athletic world, there are those whose compassion and generous spirit set them apart from their peers. MATTER is proud to partner with three such athletes this year: Bismack Biyombo of

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