Partnerships MATTER

Partnerships MATTER: Thielen Foundation, MOBE & MATTER

“Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration…” So says best selling author and brand futurist, Simon Mainwaring, and we here at MATTER couldn’t agree more. Only through collaboration with local and global organizations, can we fulfill our mission to move people forward by eliminating barriers to a healthier life. As we like to […]

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Offering Healthy Food Creates Conversations for Avivo

Offering Healthy Food Creates Conversations for Avivo

On a sunny day in Minneapolis recently, a homeless man, tired and disheveled, walked through the doors of 1800 Triage, a health and wellness center for individuals and families bogged down in the mire of poverty, homelessness, unemployment, chemical abuse and mental health issues. The center is a collaboration between several organizations, including MATTER’s partner

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MATTERbox Helps Kids Eat Better

Five More Years

In what may be occurring for the first time in U.S. history, today’s children may have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. Possibly by as much as five years. Two of the major causes of this health crisis are poor diet and physical inactivity. According to the CDC, the percentage of children and youth

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Regenerate Senegal Conference

Regenerate Senegal: Ag Conference Helps Farmers Grow

By Chris Newhouse, MATTER’s Agricultural Program Director. From July 7-13th, MATTER facilitated the second Regenerate Senegal agricultural conference in partnership with the Gorgui Dieng Foundation, the Beer-Sheba Project, and Minneapolis based Terra Ingredients. Several international experts in a variety of agricultural fields traveled to Senegal to spend the week with about 50 farmers from Senegal, Liberia

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HealthPartners: Partners for Health

Partners for Health in Congo: HealthPartners Loads Container

Soaring temperatures in the Twin Cities yesterday failed to deter the enthusiasm of a dedicated group from HealthPartners who joined the MATTER team in our sweltering warehouse to load a 40-foot container of medical equipment bound for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). HealthPartners, one of our largest hospital partners, typically partners for health with

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