MATTER Innovation Hub Update

MATTER Innovation Hub Update

MATTER INNOVATION HUB UPDATE Welcome to the first MATTER Innovation Hub (MIH) quarterly update! Here you will find the latest MIH news, stories and impact numbers, plus discover what’s ahead for this exciting and growing MATTER initiative. The MIH program has a radical goal of creating customized education paths for each child. Self-directed, self-paced learning […]

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MATTERbox Quarter 1 2022 Update

MATTERbox Impact Update

MATTERbox Healthy Meals in Communities Across the U.S. in 2021.  Working with our incredible partners and volunteers, the MATTERbox Volunteer Kits provided healthy food to communities in 49 states last year! Here are a few highlights from 2021 and a look ahead to what’s coming up this year. 2021 Impact  245,891 MATTERbox Meals Distributed 4,120

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Bringing Healthcare to Remote Zimbabwe

You Matter Stories Episode 1: Bringing Healthcare to Remote Zimbabwe

We’re launching the first of twelve 2022 episodes in a new series, You Matter Stories. Today is Episode 1: Bringing Healthcare to Remote Zimbabwe.  —————————- “We often use the phrase, ‘The middle of nowhere.’ This is the closest to the middle of nowhere that I’ve ever seen.” Rebecca Newhouse, MATTER’s Chief of Staff and Development

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Year of Impact

A Year of Impact: 2.5 Million People in 15 Countries

2021 was another year of unexpected challenges. But with these challenges came incredible opportunities to help people launch projects that improve communities. Together with our donors, partners, supporters and volunteers, we impacted more than 2.5 million people in 15 countries worldwide. 2021 also marked the end of a three-year strategic plan that started in 2019.

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