For the last several years, we’ve been sharing the remarkable journey of the Chaya Tree Project in Zimbabwe. What began as a visionary idea by our dear friend Sandi Young to improve health in Zimbabwe through Chaya has blossomed into a thriving network of women’s farming cooperatives around the country. These resilient women are not only learning the art and science of cultivating and cooking Chaya but are also discovering newfound empowerment in the process.
As this nutrient-dense vegetable has begun to improve the physical health of families across Zimbabwe, it is now poised to improve their economic health as well.
On June 4th, in partnership with the women of these farming cooperatives, MATTER launched a Kickstarter campaign aimed at developing marketable Chaya products that will enable the women to turn their surplus harvests into sustainable income streams.
The goal of the campaign is to raise $50,000 for the development of a plant protein powder from Chaya leaves to be marketed in Zimbabwe and the United States.
Let’s let these enterprising women know they matter by making their campaign a rousing success! Visit the Chaya Kickstarter Campaign page using the link below.
When you donate, you’ll not only receive regular updates, but you’ll also receive our heartfelt gratitude with the following rewards:
$5 – Proud Supporter
$25 – Digital Thank You Card
$100 – Chaya Protein Powder Bag
$300 – Chaya Protein Powder Bag & Handwoven Basket from Zimbabwe
$500 – A Year’s Supply of Chaya Protein Powder
$1,000 – Thank You Video & Year’s Supply of Chaya Protein Powder
$10,000 – A Trip to Zimbabwe

This won’t happen overnight, and it won’t happen without the support of caring people like you. Please consider joining us on this incredible journey of transformation and empowerment through Chaya. Together, let’s sow the seeds of change and nurture a brighter future for communities throughout Zimbabwe!