Meet Marissa, a sixth-grader at Victoria Falls Primary School in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Marissa’s always liked school. She’s smart, curious and loves to learn. When the MATTER Innovation Hub arrived at her school, she was anxious to see what all the excitement was about. She didn’t know the MATTER Innovation Hub could change lives for students like her, but as Marissa recalls, “The first day in the Hub blew my mind.”
Expecting the traditional classroom layout of desks facing the front of the room, Marissa was surprised to see several workstations with chairs all around. Cautiously, she took a seat facing her peers. Their teacher, Mr. Aubrey Chiwandura, welcomed the students to the Hub with a warm smile. Instead of opening up textbooks and giving a lecture, Mr. Aubrey instead introduced his students to the exciting world of technology through hands-on activities. Before the end of that first day, the students were flying drones and solving coding puzzles and games.

For Marissa, a whole new world opened up to her. One that has, as she describes it, “driven her into creativity.” After several months of class time in the Hub, Marissa has learned how to use the Apple software and apps to explore her love for learning new languages, music and art. And with her growing knowledge of technology and problem-solving skills, Marissa is being equipped to compete in the technological world of tomorrow, something that was only a dream for children in Victoria Falls before the arrival of the MATTER Innovation Hub.
Marissa is just one of hundreds of students in Victoria Falls whose dreams are becoming reality through the Innovation Hub. With your support, we can ensure that Marissa and her peers will continue to receive this world-class education that will prepare them for success in the future.
On this Giving Tuesday, would you consider sponsoring a student in Victoria Falls? Just $25/month covers the cost of the technology, materials and facilitator. With the support of MATTERnation, our goal is to have 250 students sponsored in 2020.
The MATTER Innovation Hub is changing lives. It’s bringing hope and opportunity, encouraging children to dream big dreams and equipping them with the skills and knowledge to make their dreams become reality.
Though Marissa is only twelve years old, she understands how fortunate she is to have the opportunity to learn in the Hub. And she’s thankful.
“I would like to tell you how grateful we are for the Hub. Your kind hearts and souls fill our hearts with joy. Thank you!”
Please help change lives for students like Marissa and let the students in Victoria Falls know they matter. Make this Giving Tuesday count for their future. Join teamMATTER and support a student today! Learn more here!