
Victoria Falls Nutrition Garden

Victoria Falls Hospital’s Nutrition Garden: Giving Thanks for the Harvest!

Here in the Midwest the growing season is definitely over. The fields have been harvested and are now sitting barren and brown, waiting for the cover of snow to blanket them until spring. But it’s another story entirely in Zimbabwe. With temperatures in the 90’s and humidity at 90%, their growing season is in full swing.  There’s

Victoria Falls Hospital’s Nutrition Garden: Giving Thanks for the Harvest! Read More »

HealthPartners: Partners for Health

Partners for Health in Congo: HealthPartners Loads Container

Soaring temperatures in the Twin Cities yesterday failed to deter the enthusiasm of a dedicated group from HealthPartners who joined the MATTER team in our sweltering warehouse to load a 40-foot container of medical equipment bound for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). HealthPartners, one of our largest hospital partners, typically partners for health with

Partners for Health in Congo: HealthPartners Loads Container Read More »