Have you asked yourself, “Where has the summer gone?” I have! It went so quickly this year. But as the saying goes, “Time flies when you are having fun!” And that’s exactly what the MATTERbox team has been doing.
With 16 packing events in just the last two months, our partners provided thousands of summer snack packs for kids in need. Watching these organizations come together, working hard to do good while bonding side by side and representing their companies – was so fun and such a gift! Two large supporters of our mission, Discover and Land O’Lakes, even did multiple events!
So, now that we’ve made it through another great summer of impact, it’s time to start planning ahead for the end of 2023. It will be upon us before we know it!
We’re really excited to announce a new initiative coming in November: The MATTERbox Pack-A-Thon! The details are below, but suffice it to say this will be the perfect opportunity for teams, departments, even families, to come together for a festive outreach to our communities. Space is limited, so get the details below and sign up today. I guarantee this will help to make your holiday season more memorable and meaningful!
Tami Hedrick, Executive VP of External Engagement
PS…It’s hard to look ahead to 2024, but it will be here in a blink! After the HUGE success of MATTERbox Madness last spring, we have geared up early this year and set the date for Thursday, March 7, 2024. We want to give you an early opportunity to join us at Huntington® Bank Rotunda, at the Mall of America® to compete for the MATTERbox Madness Championship title! 16 companies formed teams last year, and we want YOU in that bracket. Sign up HERE!

Our amazing corporate partners kept us busy with memorable, fun and engaging packing events this summer. Because of their generosity and compassion, we surpassed our goal of providing 50,000 beneficial meals to children this summer! For the Minnesota kids who often feel the pangs of hunger, especially during the summer months, these snacks provided the relief they needed to enjoy the carefree days of summer, as all kids should.
Our sincere thanks to the following companies for partnering with MATTER this summer: Henkel Corporation, Hormel, Inspire, Land O’Lakes, Medtronic, Minnesota Twins, Minnwest Bank, Target, and Trimble.

It’s that time of year again when children bid a tearful adieu to summer and their parents breathe a long sigh of relief! While families have been busy preparing for another school year, MATTER has been busy delivering MATTERbox snack packs to our school partners across the Twin Cities. With a high percentage of their student populations receiving free or reduced-price lunch programs, these schools use our beneficial snacks to help their students sustain their energy, improve concentration, help with mood regulation, and enhance their physical performance.
Kimberly Olszanski, a teacher in the Columbia Heights district, explained how MATTERbox snack packs help her students get through their day, “The snack packs have been very beneficial in meeting the basic needs of our students. We are able to focus more on the classroom instructions when the students are alert and energized. Our students may possibly only receive meals and snacks here at school, so they look forward to the snack. Some of our students come and grab a few snacks before they leave for the evening and share with their family.”

Before we know it, the holiday season will be upon us. One of the best ways to make this season especially meaningful is to spend some time doing good for others. Our newest initiative, the MATTERbox Pack-A-Thon was created to help your company or family give back to your community in a fun and festive way this holiday season. Come together to pack beneficial meals and enjoy the sights, sounds and tasty treats of the season. We promise it will add joy to your holidays by giving the gift of letting others know they matter.Sign up your team, department, or family HERE today!